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학교관련 안내

상기의 학교선택,전공선택,취업선택등은 하기의 내용에 따라 달라질수 있음
1. 제출된 서류(최종학력 성적증명서)에 따라 대학의 입학이 제한될수 있음
2. 전체 지원자(Applicants)의 최종인원수에 따라 대학의 선정기준이 달라질수 있음
3. 전공학과는 최종대학이 선정되어야 지원할수 있으며, 상기의 지원학과등이 대학의 임의로 변경될수 있음
(대학 지정학과는 free major 방식으로 임의 변경될수 있음 : 2025대학 입학전형 부터 적용)
4. 대학졸업후 취업은 대학에 연계되어 있는 기업으로만 취업가능 (사단법인 한국동포지원센타중앙회)
5. 서울경기도권 대학은 한국인이 유학생 신원 인적 보증이 되어야 비자가 나올수 있다.










        비  고

 연관대학은 변경될수 있음








 관련학과는 변경될수 있음







 모집정원은 변경될수 있음








 지정된 대학의 기숙사








 지정대학에 연계된기업








 지역은 임의로 선정될수 있음



This system allows to study university in Korea, (every 24month)
when they got the E7 VISA they can be invite their 4members of family to Korea
Applicants are only available for between the ages of 18 to 30
(A person who graduated from high school and has a GPA grade of 80% or higher)
The visa you applied could be rejected by the Korean government (Ministry of Justice).

You can earn money while you study in korea university two years
If you graduate from a university of two years, you can get a job at a big company
(Samsung, LG, hanwha, shipbuilding yard Etc)
After you got the job, you can bring your 4members of family to Korea

1. issue for education visa study in university for (2years)
(visa fee, acomodation for 6month, education fee, air ticket processing fee all together)
2. they can work for part time job while they study in university
(get the part-time job must be after 6month)
3. after 2years finish the study==> they will get a job with big company (like samsung, LG etc)
(Company will guarantee for their visa extention as a E7)
(IF they make any kind of criminal case during 2years, the visa will not be extending)
(must be study hard=> must be acquisition of relavant certifucate=>E7 VISA)
4. when they get the big job. at the same time they will get the E7 VISA
(they can bring their 4 family members to korea)

When you get into college, you're going to through this processing

You can't have a job for the first six months
After 6 months, the Korean government introduces you regarding your job
In this case, you get a job at a company which is located near by your university
But this job is not a full-time job
You will be working as a part-time, and your salary is depends on the situation
Conclusion: You can have a part-time job for about 1 and a half year / while you study in university

Curriculum of the lesson in university
6 Months of Korean Language Classes
6-month specialized courses (wellding, electricity, etc.)
6-month specialized course (specialized class for companies to be employed)
Employment in a six-month company and training as a trainee
(above these plan could be changelable by university policy)
After graduation, you will get a job at the big company that has related with university
(university will be guarantee the job)
Existing visa (D-2) will be exchanged to E7 visa (family invitation visa)==>this is 5~10years

This visa system is a legitimate procedure approved
directly by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea
D2 visa is guaranteed while studying at school
E7 visa is guaranteed while employed and working in a company